That should be the hard part, right?
Well, you're not the first person to get to this point and not know what to do from here. We've got some suggestions, before you send us your paper-baby.
Well, you're not the first person to get to this point and not know what to do from here. We've got some suggestions, before you send us your paper-baby.
First Question: What kind of children's book did you write?
Answer #1: I wrote a picture or board book
Question #2: Wonderful. Do you have illustrations already lined up or completed?
Answer #2: I wrote a chapter book/early reader.
Question #2: Are there any illustrations planned?
Hint: Frequently these books have a small illustration at the beginning of each chapter.
5 Things to do Before you Submit
- Find an editor. Even small books/picture books need a second or third set of eyes.
- Read it to your target audience!
- Read it aloud. This is particularly important with 'board' books.
- Don't stress about illustrations. These can be handled later.
- Research. Look at books aimed at your target audience. Does it seem like yours fits with language and readability?