Embark on a journey, following writer Briane Pagel on a year of creative short fiction. Containing 365 fiction pieces, as well as a peek into the life of a creative mind through the day-to- day trials of modern life, Translated From the Original Shark is both artistic and engaging.
From a time-traveling duo to a sentient hobby-horse; from the inner musings of a shark to the blush of young love; you never know what the next story will bring. Working down from 365 to 1, Pagel provides a unique literary experience. Discussing the joys and troubles of writing, parenthood, entrepreneurship, and marriage, the endnotes are just as intriguing as the stories.
Translated From the Original Shark--PDF
Embark on a journey, following writer Briane Pagel on a year of creative short fiction, as well as a peek into the life of a creative mind through the day-to-day trials of modern life.
Embark on a journey, following writer Briane Pagel on a year of creative short fiction, as well as a peek into the life of a creative mind through the day-to-day trials of modern life.
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